
Community Education & Development Centers, Inc



The Community Education and Development Center, Inc. is a community based non-profit social service agency, vocational training institution, and community development corporation.  CEDC provides individuals with information about educational job training and available job opportunities in the community.

abandoned house

Our programs include recreational and cultural activities and educational programs.   We match up youth, volunteers, and trainees to work with and to learn from contractors in rehabilitating abandoned properties.  We show youth and trainees the practical application of the arts and sciences that they have learned in school while they learn valuable and marketable skills.


The use of abandoned houses as learning laboratories during rehabilitation results in eliminating an abandoned house and restoring it to the tax base.  Qualified participants and others in the market for affordable housing have the opportunity to rent or purchase the property.  It is a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The community Education and Development Center (CEDC) also sponsors a project to counsel, to evaluate, to train, and to employ homeless veterans in housing rehabilitation.  The veterans are taught how to completely renovate previously abandoned properties.  This is particularly important because Philadelphia has over 27,000 abandoned houses and also because one out of three homeless men is a veteran of the armed forces.  This program turns the available housing stock into learning laboratories while the properties are under construction.

Once completed, the veterans have a property to rent or purchase along with acquiring a marketable skill.  CEDC seeks donations of money, services, building materials, real estate, and volunteers to support our training and rehabilitation projects.